
顾恺之:东晋画家,著有《论画》、《魏晋胜流画赞》、《画云台山记》,其中“迁想妙得”、“以形写神”等论点,对中国画的发展有深远影响。今存世《女史箴图》,局部 《 洛神赋图》取材于三国曹植的《洛神赋》。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Gu Kaizhi: Painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, author of "On Painting", "Praise of Shengliu Painting in the Wei and Jin Dynasties", and "Painting Yuntai Mountain", among which theories such as "imagination is wonderful" and "expression with form" have a profound impact on the development of Chinese painting . Among the "Nv Shi Zhen Tu" that survives today, part of the "Luo Shen Fu Tu" is based on the "Luo Shen Fu" written by Cao Zhi in the Three Kingdoms.

Zhang Sengyou: A native of Wu (Suzhou). Liang Tianjian was the servant of the King of Wuling, who knew about paintings in Zhimi Pavilion, a general of the Li Youjun, and a prefect of Wuxing. He studied hard to become a talent, good at portraiture, and good at painting Buddha statues, dragons and eagles, and mostly made scroll paintings and murals. Representative works include "Eighteen Constellations of Gods", "Portrait of Emperor Wu of Liang", "Han Wu Shooting Jiao" and "Mona Immortal" and so on.

Yang Zihua: A painter of the Northern Qi Dynasty, a courtier of Gao Zhan, the ancestor of the Northern Qi Dynasty, served as a general of Zhige and a regular servant of Sanqi. Good at painting aristocratic figures, palaces, chariots and horses, he is sometimes called "the saint of painting". His "School Book Picture" depicts the story of Emperor Wenxuan Gao Yang ordered Fan Xun and others to publish the Five Classics and various histories in the seventh year of Tianbao in the Northern Qi Dynasty (556).