

2021年10月19日 00:00--浏览 · --点赞 · --评论

很多人都知道,我们 3 个月大的猎豹幼崽 Amabala、Jabari、Hasani 和 Erindi 在 5 月底第一次品尝了肉,他们是热情的食客! 尽管他们每天仍会收到碎牛肉,但我们最近在他们的饮食中添加了一项新项目。 有时,我们会为他们提供冻融的兔子,模仿猎豹幼崽在野外吃的猎物。

这些尸体喂养对幼崽的整体健康很重要。 皮肤、毛皮和骨骼富含纤维,有助于消化过程。 内脏也含有丰富的营养物质,有助于幼崽长得又大又壮。 像这样的猎物也有助于增强它们的下巴肌肉。

食物展示只是我们鼓励幼崽使用其自然行为的一种方式。 我们还为他们提供像猎物一样移动的丰富物品——他们滚动、摆动,在院子里猛扑或追逐很有趣。 这些玩具不仅有助于磨练他们的狩猎技能,而且还可以让幼崽保持身体健康和精神敏锐。

小快乐球的大小正好适合我们的幼崽。 weeble-wobble 和妈妈 Echo 的大小差不多,尽管一些幼崽已经足够勇敢地尝试解决斜塔。


这些物品本来就很结实,但随着时间的推移,它们会在牙齿和爪痕太多后磨损。 如果您想帮助我们补充一些幼崽的破旧但深受喜爱的玩具,您可以通过向 Enrichment Trunk 捐款来实现。 我代表幼崽感谢您的慷慨解囊!

Cheetah Cubdate #9: Treats and Toys

Jul. 16, 2020

This update was written by Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute intern Shannon Richard.

As many of you know, our 3-month-old cheetah cubs Amabala, Jabari, Hasani and Erindi sampled their first taste of meat at the end of May and are enthusiastic eaters! Although they still receive ground beef every day, we recently added a new item to their diet. Occasionally, we will provide them with frozen-thawed rabbits, which mimic the prey that cheetah cubs consume in the wild.

These carcass feedings are important for the cubs’ overall health. The skin, fur and bones are full of fiber and aid in the digestive process. The internal organs are also rich in nutrients that help the cubs grow big and strong. Prey such as this helps strengthen their jaw muscles, too.

Food presentation is only one way we encourage the cubs to use their natural behaviors. We also provide them with enrichment items that move like prey—they roll, wobble and are just fun to pounce on or chase around the yards. Not only do these toys help to hone their hunting skills, but they also keep the cubs physically fit and mentally sharp.

Small jolly balls are just the right size for our cubs. The weeble-wobble is about the same size as mom, Echo, though some of the cubs have been brave enough to try and tackle the leaning tower.

Occasionally, the cubs will make toys out of items that aren’t necessarily meant for play purposes—like splashing in the water dispenser!

These items are built to be hearty, but over time they wear down after so many teeth and claw marks. If you would like to help us replenish some of the cubs’ worn-but-well-loved toys, you can do so by making a donation to the Enrichment Trunk. On behalf of the cubs, thank you for your generosity!

Can't get enough of the cheetah cubs? Watch them on the webcam! Check out previous updates and follow along on the Zoo's social media with the hashtag #CheetahCubdates. 


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