「光之跃动 」 灯光互动装置,香港尖沙咀K11购物艺术馆 (露天广场)
"Game of Light" - Interactive Lighting Installation, K11 Art Mall piazza, Hong Kong
新媒体艺术 艺术装置 9095 0 2019-11-14
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「光之跃动」为AaaM建筑设计工作室於K11广场空间设计的大型灯光互动装置,为参观者提供多维度的玩乐体验。活在这挤迫的城市,有时总会让人感到无力与失望。团队相信纵然我们都是常人,但每人总有独特之处,如果能够同心「集气」,必能造出改变。装置通过玩乐的体验,从而探究「个人」与「集体」之关係,并让玩乐者释出内在「潜能」,重燃信心与希望。 玩家透过不同的形体动作,让多达150个空中光圈呈现不同的灯光效果,而多人的协作,更能製造出「终极之跃动」。建筑师揉合了空间元素及互动灯光,创作出此圣诞遊乐园,务求为香港人带来多点欢笑与希望。
一般购物商场以消费模式为主,装置设计通常都较单一化,缺乏娱乐及互动特色。建筑师团队AaaM Architects 就客户K11购物艺术馆露天广场环境,以配合商场空间通过互动灯光及玩乐体验,把商场空间变成临时的公共空间,吸引更多种类的人群进入商场,带动人流, 软性增加消费人群量。
「光之跃动 」以通过玩乐的体验,作为吸引人流的手段,为消费者带来了视觉、玩乐与集体互动的多维体验,广场也可以成为白天和黑夜的地标。活动期间此装置为客户K11购物艺术馆变成最缤纷好玩的艺术游乐场。
每年圣诞节,欣赏香港尖沙咀灯饰是最有名的节庆地方,但商场均以传统灯饰展示较多。「光之跃动 」装置则以灯光、音乐与动能感应打造互动游戏,改造传统圣诞节项目,一反传统的设计手法,为尖沙咀灯饰注入时代新动力。
设计师: AaaM 建筑设计工作室 设计团队: 陈树仁,彭展华,萧健伟,邝世傑,唐锶铧,孙舒雯 客户: K11 Concepts Limited 摄影:AaaM建筑设计工作室,K11 Concepts Limited
场地设计: 利用K11广场空间的地点优势,螺旋向上串连的光环雕塑,巧妙地回应了广场作为公共走廊及緑化空间的基地限制。 装置组件: 建筑师揉合了空间元素及互动灯光,融合娱乐和照明动态,让多达150个空中光圈构成嘅「光之跃动」亦为大众提供多维度玩乐体验,希望大众突破箇有框框,透过互动遊戏感受人与人之间的联繫。 视觉效果设定: 概念以每个人其实都是『玛利奥』,在空中光圈下面的空间,透过不同的形体动作或跳动,灯环会被触发,装置通过玩乐的体验,从而探究「个人」与「集体」之关係。 两大互动玩法包括 个人挑战:在露天广场地面上任何圆圈内跳起至1.8米高,即可启动光环树的灯光效果,令指定的空中光圈由蓝色转为紫色。 群体挑战:集合3人在光环树下前端或後端指定位置,同时或以不同节奏跳起至1.8米高,一同「集气」达到「终极之闪动」视觉灯效。
项目年份: 2018
设计团队於露天广场打造一个讲求合作、跳跃动作的遊戏装置。「光之跃动」结合艺术及互动灯光,以150个空中光圈构成的光环树为大众提供多维度的玩乐体验。团队希望大众突破箇有框框,放开既有规範,自由探索遊玩的意义。透过互动遊戏感受人与人之间的联繫。从而吸引更多种类的人群进入商场,带动人流, 软性增加消费人群量。
Project Description
“Game of Light”, designed by AaaM Architects, is a large-scale interactive lighting installation that provides multi-dimensional experience for the visitors on the open area of piazza. It is a playable artwork which celebrates the power of “individuality” and “collectivity” through active engagement with the players. Living in city could sometimes feel devastating and hopeless, the team plays with the concept of empowerment that each individual is innately special, and their potential could be unleashed to make a difference. While acting collectively and targeting on one common goal, the group could have even greater “power” to make a change in the installation. Visitors would be able to interact with the spatial installation composed of over 150 floating rings, three-dimensionally arranged under the glass canopy. By different action and movement, player could alter the lighting in space. And with synchronized collective effort, multiple players could even achieve a specially designed lighting effect that gives an “ultimate shine” to the space. Through artistic intervention and playful lighting design, the Piazza of K11 is transformed into a Christmas playground where the fun and action could hopefully bring joy and positivity to our community.
User Value
Events and installations inside a shopping mall are usually consumerism-driven and mono-direction. AaaM Architects provides an interactive and playful solution to the client K11 Art Mall, employing complex interactive light show, turning retail space into a temporary public space. In return, the mall attracts a wider variety of visitors during the event period, including millennials, and ultimately, rebrand and energized the K11 Art Mall during their 10th Anniversary Celebration.
Business Performance
Through an artistic intervention and a playful game, the piazza could become a landmark in day and night time. Though vibrant visuals and multi-dimensional experience, K11 Art Mall becomes the most artistic playground in 2018 Christmas.
Social Impact
Traditional Christmas lighting decoration is normally pre-programed. “Game of Light” is a break-a-norm Christmas lighting installation, merging light, music, motion, senses into a game/ a light show/ a playground. The project redefines and revamps the definition of “Christmas lighting” .
Team Structure
Designer: AaaM Architects Design Team: Shuyan Chan, Bob Pang, Kevin Siu, Adrian Kwong, Victoria Dong, Sherman Sun Client: K11 Concepts Limited Photography: AaaM Architects, K11 Concepts Limited
Site Design: Respecting the character of K11 Piazza, the ascending spiral of light rings define the public passage way and its surrounding landscapes. Components: Game of Light, composed by more than 150 flowing light rings, creates a multi-dimensional play experience by fusing lighting design, entertaining games and spatial planning elements. The design breaks the norm to “lighting art” and reshaping the interaction between people through art and game. Visual effects: Concept from everyone could be a "MARIO", the idea is to empower individuals to have the special ability for controlling lighting and environment. By different action and movement, player could trigger and alter the lighting movement in space. And with synchronized collective effort, multiple players could even achieve a specially designed lighting effect that gives an “ultimate shine” to the space.
Project Investment
Project year: 2018
Project Achievements
Curating a lighting installation remixing with game and play, “Game of Light” generated a free space in the Piazza, attracting a wider spectrum of visitors from all walks of life into the mall of K11 and boost sales during the Christmas holiday.


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AaaM 建筑设计工作室
「泡夏泡夏」 - 夏天展亭,香港中环元创坊11-14
新媒体艺术空间设计 5133
新媒体艺术技术物 3155