January 30th, 2021 English, Grammar, Adjectives

127 Excellent Friendship Words to Describe Your Friends

how to describe friendship in words and using adjectives

Adjectives are sometimes called descriptive words as they are the words we use to describe, or make clear to others, what we perceive around us. That is how we get to understand that a person is strong or weak, or that a sunset is beautiful. They are words that describe both animate and inanimate things.


What Friendship Words Can We Use To Describe Friends?

cool words from describe your friends

“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul”, brings us joy and laughter. Our friends encourage us and motivate us when we feel depressed or low. Our friendships evolve with time from acquaintance to true friendship and best friends become part of our family. A special friend plays a significant role in our lives and we accept them just the way they are, yet, everyone has a personality and demeanour unique to them. No matter how old your friendship is, “friends gather no dust.”

When writing about true friendship or describe friends, the words to describe that you pick should describe the qualities of your best friend but avoid using the most common words. Whether you’re preparing a speech for a special occasion or composing a toast for your best friend, you can use the following list of friendship words to describe your best friend. 

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127 Friendship Words To Describe Your Friends

Try our interactive list of words to describe friends and friendship.

  1. amiable – People with easy-going personalities that make it easy for others to like them and deal with.
    “Fanny was in an amiable mood today at the office.”
  2. amicable – Friendly and peaceable. Does not involve conflict.
    “The relationship between Laurel and Lily was not amicable.”
  3. affectionate – An expression of fondness. Having warm regard, feelings for someone or something.
    Joy is extremely affectionate towards his brother.”
  4. complaisant – Someone who is willing to please others and accept what they do or say without protest. (Not to be confused with complacent).
    Jane is so complaisant that others take advantage of her.”
  5. deep – Intense, extreme. People who are described as deep are empathic or sensitive.
    I have a deep bond with James; he’s my true friend.”
  6. eternal – Endless or something that goes on forever without end. We often refer to God as being eternal.
    “According to Max and Ben, their friendship is eternal. They are true friends.”
  7. heartfelt – This means that the feeling is genuine and sincere.
    Christine offered her hearfelt thanks to us for her birthday gifts.”
  8. intimate – Intimate means being close, both literally and figuratively. It can also mean very personal or private.
    An intimate friendship blossomed between Rosa and Ray.”
  9. lasting – Enduring. Something that is able to last for a very long time.
    I don’t think I will have a lasting friendship with Jack”
  10. lifelong – Something that remains practically unchanged throughout a person’s life.
    Pretty quickly, Jack and Jill became lifelong chums.”
  11. loving – Enjoying the specified activity or thing. It also means showing great care.
    Steve is a loving friend, husband, and father.”
  12. mutual – We use this term when we have something in common with another party or parties. It could be a feeling, an action or even a friend.
    I met Max through a mutual friend.”
  13. reciprocal – Reciprocal describes something that is the same on both sides.
    John and Rhea shared a reciprocal affection.”
  14. strong – Something that is able to withstand force, pressure, or wear and tear.
    I have a strong bond with my classmate Ross.”
  15. true – loyal or devoted
    I miss Emily as she was the only true friend I had in my life.”
  16. unbounded – Something that has or seems to have no limits.
    “Rose has an unbounded affection for Kate.”
  17. wonderful – Something extremely good; inspiring delight.
    We are fortunate to be friends with Susan as she is the most wonderful person we know.”
  18. warm – To be warm means to have or show kindness, affection, or enthusiasm.
    I share a warm relationship with my brother’s friend Alvaro.”
  19. profound – This denotes a state, an emotion or quality that is very intense. It is not superficial.
    Rachel, the most meritorious student in our school, had a profound influence on all of us.”
  20. pure – Not mixed or adulterated with anything else.
    I and Meena have a pure and tender relationship.”
  21. cordial – Warm and friendly. It also means politely pleasant.
    James was quite cordial and friendly with us at the wedding.”
  22. superb – Something that is impressively good. Excellent.
    I had a superb time with Ben and his family as we went camping in the woods.”
  23. happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
    I like Tim as he always has a happy face despite all the troubles.”
  24. honest – Truthful and sincere.
    He might not be my best friend, but I know for a fact that he is an honest guy.”
  25. beautiful – Something that is aesthetically pleasing to the senses.
    Agnes is a pure and beautiful soul, and we love her a lot. .”
  26. gentle – Showing a mild, kind or tender character or temperament.”
    My parents are fond of Shawn as he is so gentle and kind-hearted.”
  27. tender – Showing tenderness, kindness, and affection
    John was so kind and tender towards the little rescued puppy.”
  28. loyal – Giving or showing firm and constant support.
    Even though Emily moved to the far side of town, she remained loyal to her friendship with Gina and visited her whenever she could.”
  29. personal – Concerns one’s private life, relationships or emotions.
    Jennifer took a personal interest in the new girl at school.”
  30. awesome – Extremely impressive.
    “I met my best friend when we were both four years old. Seven year’s later, our friendship is still awesome.
  31. adaptable – capable of adjusting to new conditions
    “Randy is an adaptable man, and the firm thought that he will get used to his new surroundings.
  32. adventurous – inclined to try new, exciting, or risky things
    “Being a couch potato, I am quite envious of John’s adventurous lifestyle.”
  33. affable – friendly and approachable
    “Unsurprisingly, my parents found Max very affable and cordial.”
  34. agreeable – pleasant; willing to agree
    “The boss found Jim most agreeable among all the employees.”
  35. altruistic – unselfish concern for the welfare of others
    “My friend, Dr Ian White’s altruistic nature was admired by all.”
  36. amazing – astonishing or very surprising
    “Grace is an amazing actress.”
  37. ambitious – showing a strong desire of obtaining success, power, wealth, etc.
    Pam is an extremely ambitious woman and has no time for her friends.”
  38. amusing – providing entertainment and funny
    Thanks to Paula’s amusing nature that we didn’t feel bored at the party.
  39. appreciative – showing gratitude
    Brad was very appreciative of my advice.
  40. boastful – bragging or displaying excessive self-pride
    Marie is boastful about her family’s opulent mansion.
  41. brotherly – of or like a brother
    I appreciate Ted’s brotherly advice, but I am not going to listen to him.”
  42. caring – showing kindness for others
    Deep down, Jennifer is a loving, caring person.”
  43. charismatic – having the ability to attract attention or influence others
    We knew from our school days that Richard would become a charismatic leader.”
  44. charming – very pleasing or attractive
    Jennifer has the most charming smile.
  45. chatty – enjoys chatting a lot; talkative
    My new friend, Lance, is an extremely chatty and lively person.
  46. cheerful – happy and having good spirits
    “Cheryl’s cheerful personality made us forget about all our worries.”
  47. cheery – happy or full of cheer
    Johnny was a cheery bloke and that showed in the fancy way he dressed all the time.”
  48. comfortable – relaxed and free from tension; pleasant
    He made himself comfortable on the bean bag.”
  49. comical – amusing or silly in an absurd way
    Benny looked comical in an garish, oversized coat.
  50. compassionate – showing kindness and sympathy
    Jill is a compassionate woman who works for several NGOs.”
  51. considerate – having regard for others’ feelings
    “It was very considerate of Sally to cook food everyday for all the injured people.

  52. dependable – trustworthy and can be relied upon
    Jonathan might not be my best friend, but he is the most dependable guy I know.”
  53. determined – resolute and unwavering
    Alex was determined to the find the truth behind his father’s mysterious disappearance.
  54. diligent – characterized by care and earnest effort in discharging in one’s duties.
    “Joe was the most diligent and hard-working employee in our office.”
  55. diplomatic – possessing skills of dealing with people tactfully
    When asked to choose his closest friend, Gary tried his best to be diplomatic.”
  56. dynamic – positive and energetic
    Bill’s dynamic and forward-looking approach was just what the company needed.”
  57. easy-going – relaxed and not easily worried or annoyed
    She is an easy-going and happy-go-lucky girl.”
  58. empathetic – having the ability to understand others’ feelings
    “Alida was empathetic towards old, homeless people.”
  59. encouraging – providing hope and support
    “Andrew gave me a much-needed encouraging pat on my shoulder.”
  60. energetic – possessing great energy
    “Brandon was an energetic kid who excelled in sports.”
  61. enthusiastic – displaying or having an intense interest in something
    “Tom is enthusiastic about air sports”
  62. extraordinary – unusual and exceptional
    “Matthew was an extraordinary gentleman who was admired by his peers.”
  63. fabulous – exceptionally good
    “Celia looked fabulous in a white satin gown.”
  64. faithful – loyal
    “I’m grateful to have such a faithful friend like Randy.”
  65. favourite – Most preferred or liked among all others
    “Raymond’s favourite writer is Edgar Allan Poe.”
  66. fearless – showing or displaying no fear
    “Ray is a fearless leader.”
  67. fierce – very strong and aggressive
    “Maxine was a fierce competitor in college.”
  68. fiery – quick-tempered and ardent
    “Cathy was known for her fiery temper.”
  69. fond – having a liking for something or someone
    My friends are fond of my mom’s pancakes.
  70. forgiving – willing or inclined to forgive
    Jane has a forgiving nature, and many people take advantage of it.
  71. generous – giving or sharing (especially money) more than usual or expected
    John’s rude behaviour belies his extremely generous nature.
  72. gentle – having a kind, calm or quiet nature
    Tabby might look big and intimidating, but in reality, he is a gentle giant.
  73. genuine – sincere
    It’s difficult to find a genuine friend like Lily.
  74. grateful – thankful for something done or received
    Greg was grateful to Harry for showing all the answers during the test.
  75. gregarious – sociable
    Gregarious and fun-loving, Adam was everyone’s favourite in the group.
  76. hilarious – very funny or triggering a lot of laughter
    Ben was so hilarious that we were down on the floor laughing.”
  77. humorous – funny and making you laugh
    Benjamin’s humorous remarks at the conference made everyone laugh.”
  78. inspirational – providing hope and encouragement
    “Sergio’s inspirational stories motivate me to do better.”
  79. inspiring – encouraging, having an animating influence
    Damien was one of the most inspiring people I have met in my life.
  80. intuitive – instinctive; using or based on feelings instead of facts
    Cathy has an intuitive sense of what I want.”
  81. kooky – strange or eccentric but in a interesting way
    Zico is a kooky character; he has a pet raccoon.”
  82. likeable – pleasant and easy to be fond of
    Chris is a likeable chap and has a big circle of friends.”
  83. lovable – having qualities that inspire affection; adorable
    The principal told Dean’s parents that their son is naughty but lovable.
  84. loyal – faithful and showing constant support
    I can count on Monica as she is a loyal friend.
  85. motivational – able to inspire others to do or achieve something
    Karen had all the traits of a motivational speaker.”
  86. non-judgemental – avoiding judgement based on one’s moral standards
    The thing I admire about Randy is that he is understanding and non-judgemental.
  87. observant – sharp-eyed; paying a lot of attention
    “Max is an observant reader who notices even the slightest of grammatical errors.”
  88. optimistic – hopeful of good things in the future
    “Mark was optimistic about the future of his online business.”
  89. organised – orderly; capable of planning one’s activities efficiently
    “When Dave was an adolescent, he used to be so organised and disciplined.”
  90. passionate – having or showing strong feelings, emotions, or beliefs
    “Jill is extremely passionate about ballet.”
  91. patient – enduring troubles or problems without any anxiety
    “Unlike me, Molly is very patient with toddlers.”
  92. persistent – doing something or determined to do something despite opposition
    “The school suspended Tom for a week for persistent misconduct.”
  93. playful – fun-loving and likes amusement
    “Ross is always in a playful mood.”
  94. polite – well-mannered and behaving in a way that shows regard for others
    According to our teachers, Jim’s polite demeanour is exemplary.”
  95. positive – showing certainty, optimism, or confidence
    Kim was positive that she had submitted the form in time.
  96. practical – capable of making realistic or sensible decisions or choices
    Kathy is not an emotional fool; she is quite practical.
  97. precious – loved and cherished by someone
    Nancy is very precious to her stepmother.”
  98. proactive – assuming an active role in dealing with a situation rather than reacting to it
    “Tara has a proactive approach towards the gender pay gap movement.”
  99. protective – showing a desire to protect someone or something
    “Emily is too protective of her daughter.”
  100. punctual – being or doing something on time
    “Ashley should have arrived by now as she is usually very punctual.”
  101. receptive – inclined to receiving new ideas or suggestions
    Brad was not receptive to my financial suggestions.”
  102. reliable – dependable and can be trusted
    “Adam is a good friend, and a reliable co-worker.”
  103. remarkable – unusual, striking, and worthy of being noticed
    Andy’s remarkable achievement in gymnastics at such a young age should have garnered more attention.”
  104. resourceful – find clever ways to deal skillfully with difficulties
    John is an innovative and resourceful administrator.
  105. responsible – in charge of; obliged to do something
    Alex is responsible for drafting the preliminary budget.”
  106. selfless – having more concern for the welfare, needs, or interests of others than one’s own
    “Tabitha’s selfless devotion towards educating impoverished children is praiseworthy.”
  107. sharp – keen and perceptive
    He’s sharp, observant, and astute.
  108. sincere – without pretense; honest and genuine
    “Faf’s apology was sincere, and we forgave him.”
  109. sisterly – having characteristics typical of sisters
    Rachel and Bessie share a sisterly love that is rarely seen these days between two friends.
  110. sociable – enjoying the company of others; friendly
    Raymond was not feeling very sociable at the party last night.”
  111. steadfast – unwavering and committed
    Pam remained steadfast in her belief that her friend is innocent.”
  112. straightforward – frank and doesn’t hide one’s opinion
    The fact I like about Graham is that he is straightforward and doesn’t talk behind your back.
  113. supportive – giving help, assistance, or encouragement
    Frank has been extremely supportive of my career choices.
  114. sympathetic – showing or feeling sympathy
    Donna was enormously sympathetic when my dog died.”
  115. tactful – showing skill in tackling difficult issues
    David was extremely tactful while dealing with the investors.”
  116. thoughtful – kind and considerate; absorbed in thought
    Such thoughtful behaviour from Ned wasn’t expected; he surprised us all.”
  117. trustworthy – reliable and dependable
    “You can rely on Fred; he is trustworthy.”
  118. truthful – honest and not telling any lies
    “I never doubted Jack as he was always truthful with me.”
  119. uncomplicated – simple and not difficult to deal with
    Olive is a simple and uncomplicated girl.”
  120. unconditional – not conditional
    Jane’s love for her friends in unconditional.”
  121. understanding – compassionate and forgiving
    Kate is understanding and sensitive.”
  122. unique – being the only one of its type or distinctive
    Richie must hone his unique talents.
  123. unpretentious – modest and not pretentious
    “He might be famous, but he is unpretentious and unassuming.”
  124. versatile – capable of adapting to many different tasks
    “John is versatile and is brilliant at a lot of things.”
  125. warm-hearted – kind and showing affection
    “Marie is a warm-hearted, caring woman, and I cherish my friendship with her.”
  126. witty – possessing wit or clever humour
    “Tim is a witty raconteur, and we love listening to his tales.”
  127. spontaneous – uninhibited and prone to acting upon sudden impulses
    Jill’s spontaneous nature has gotten her into trouble before.

Our interactive list of words to describe friends and friendship has definitions, example sentences, and a thesaurus.

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Example usages

Can you use some of these friendship words in your writing? Here are a few examples of how the above friendship words can be included in your sentences.

  1. My friendship with my best friend is loving and sincere. We are loyal to each other.
  2. My friendship with my grandmother is warm and affectionate. She has my back.
  3. My friendship with our funny milkman is really great and fun. He is a good and warm-hearted man.

Origin Of The Word ‘Friend’

The word ‘friend’ originates from Germany and, in Old English, it existed as ‘frond’ which was the present participle of the verb ‘fron’, ‘to love’. The root of the verb ‘fr-‘ meant ‘love’, or ‘be affectionate to’. Today, the word ‘friend’ is known as a common, concrete noun. Befriend or friended, as we use it in the colloquial language, would be the verb form of ‘friend’.

Likewise, ‘friendship’ is also a noun. It is the abstract noun of ‘friend’.

What is a fancy word for ‘friendship’?

Camaraderie describes a friendship where people have spent a lot of time together (a characteristic of a true friend).

Synonyms Of The Word ‘Friend’

  1. Ally – “He is a close ally of the President.”
  2. Bosom buddy“Penny is my bosom buddy, and she will always support me.”
  3. Buddy “John, my old buddy, has sent me a telegram.”
  4. Companion“She has been my constant companion for the last give years.”
  5. Classmate – “I had a quarrel with my classmate.”
  6. Chum“Today at the supermarket, I ran into Frank, my high school chum.”
  7. Comrade“We greeted our dear comrade as he returned from the mission.”
  8. Confidante“Sally is my confidante; she knows all my secrets and will take them to her grave.”
  9. Crony“Marcel spends every evening with his cronies at the local pub.”
  10. Pal“I haven’t heard from my pen pal in Sweden for a long time.”

Antonyms for the word ‘friend’

  1. Antagonist – “Paul is my antagonist in the play.
  2. Enemy “I know Sandra thinks of me as her enemy.”
  3. Foe “Joey is our common foe.”
  4. Nemesis – “He is my nemesis, and this time I will not spare him.

Antonyms for the word ‘friendship’

  1. Hatred “Max is full of hatred and resentment.”
  2. Animosity “The politician has no animosity against the press.”
  3. Antagonism “I felt nothing by antagonism towards Michael.”
  4. EnmityDave revealed that he feels enmity towards his father.

Activity: Write A Descriptive Essay About A Good Friend

Write a short essay that describes a good friend and describes friendship. You could begin the essay by using words that describe how and where you first met. What made you become good friends?

Sweet Friendship Quotes You May Enjoy Reading

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Here are a few quotes on true friends from wise people from another era.

The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.” –  Vincent van Gogh

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” –  Marcel Proust

“Friendship is a sheltering tree.” –  Samuel Coleridge

“Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” –  Mark Twain

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” –  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dale Carnegie was an American writer. Besides being a writer he developed many courses in self-improvement and on how to hone friendship skills, among other things. He wrote one of the first-ever self-help books called  How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1937. In the book, he explains how to treat people kindly and make them like you. He stresses the importance of:

  • not criticizing or complaining, but giving honest opinion
  • being a good listener, getting the other person to talk about themselves, and then continuing the conversation about things that interest them

These things can make the other person feel good and that can be the beginning of a friendship.

There are also some friendship quotes that have been made more recently. Here’s a sampling:

  1. “It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” — Unknown
  2. “ Friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better.” — Unknown
  3. “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buechner
  4. “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” — Muhammad Ali
  5. “To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” — Dr. Seuss
  6. “Best friends are the people in your life who make you laugh louder, smile brighter and live better.” — Unknown
  7. “There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met.” — Jim Henson
  8. “You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend. I’ll train you.” — Unknown
  9. “It’s hard to find a friend who’s cute, loving, generous, caring, and smart. My advice to y’all is, don’t lose me.” — Unknown
  10. “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” ——– Walter Winchell.

Which of these quotes did you think was the most interesting? Do you have a special quote of your own?

Now that we have learned quite a few adjectives, go out and make yourself plenty of new friends, back to back. Armed with your new knowledge of descriptive words, create your own list and practice how to describe your new buddies and your friendship with them. Remember to be kind to each other.

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More Reading

What is an adjective?
Comprehensive list of adjectives for kids

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