

2021年07月01日 11:13 新浪网 作者 四川国雅臻
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  Fossilized dinosaur eggs are very precious paleontological fossils, what we can see is generally the calcified shell of the egg, and it is very rare to find the egg preserved with some dinosaur embryo fossils, and it is difficult to judge the egg fossils found by what kind of dinosaur produced. So, in a long period of time, research work about the dinosaur egg fossil is no important progress was made, the pieces of dinosaur egg fossils so special is that it has been quickly hatched, because some irresistible factors, he was not born, long buried in deep underground, after hundreds of millions of years of waiting, in a different form to show in front of the world, These rare treasures, which have undergone hundreds of millions of years of changes, are scientific specimens of great significance in the history of biological and human evolution, and are the world's precious scientific and cultural heritages.

  Chinese researchers think that after the study of dinosaur eggs, due to the late cretaceous last 20 ~ 300000, the southern male "mutation" dinosaurs living environment and serious pollution of dry climate, and trace elements, the microelement such as manganese, zinc, strontium with insufficient or too much, affecting the normal development of the dinosaur eggshell and formed the pathological shell structure, As a result, dinosaur eggs could not hatch properly, which eventually led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Therefore, dinosaur egg fossils can help to explore the reproductive behavior of dinosaurs, the origin and evolution of dinosaur eggshells, and restore the ecological environment in the age of dinosaurs. For the study of the emergence, prosperity and extinction of dinosaurs; For the division and correlation of the Cretaceous strata and the determination of the geological age of the strata; They are rare and precious material materials for the study of paleoclimate, paleogeography and paleontological changes, and for providing prospecting enlightenment.

  Therefore, dinosaur egg fossils have very important scientific value, ornamental value, collection value. We must cherish and protect dinosaur egg fossils and their geological environment.

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