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Buy Koober Premium Account

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SKU: N/A Categories: Book, eBook


What is Koober?

Koober is an Android and IOS application that enables you to read one book a day in 20 minutes. You need to read too many books in today’s world, and there is too little time to read them all. Koober helps you solve this problem by giving you mini versions of books in text and audio forms. With a Koober premium account, you can get access to 12,000 books, each of which only takes 20 minutes to read.

Koober Premium Account
Koober Premium Account

What does Koober include?

The books available with a Koober premium account include a series of subjects concerning lifestyle, professional development, creativity, and politics. Reading the mini versions of these books will give you the chance to expand your knowledge about yourself and the world without taking any time out of your schedule.

Imagine being able to read a new book every day, which will make a difference in your knowledge and understanding of the world. Topics such as business, entrepreneurship, and productivity will help you improve your professional life, even start a business of your own. Because reading these books takes so little time, you will have more time to think about the topics presented in them. This will also improve your critical thinking skills and enhance your personal and professional development.

Koober Premium Account
Koober Premium Account


The books in this category will teach you to do more in less time. Books like ‘The one thing’ by Gary Keller, or ‘The 80/20 principle’ by Richard Kroch will teach you how to optimize your time and energy. You’ll be able to accomplish everything on your to-do list without over-stretching yourself.


The books in the business section will teach you how to manage a business and your finances. Books such as ‘Rich dad Poor dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki and ‘The Millionaire Fastlane’ by MJ de Marco will give you the secrets of getting rich. Starting a business has always been a lifelong dream? Do you not know where to start? This is the time to hit the books and learn as much as you can about business.

Personal development

There are always things about us that we want to improve. Learn how to be a better mother, be a better partner, and manage your time. The books in this category are more diverse in topics than the other categories. Ranging from getting adequate sleep to tidying up at home, going on a diet, and every other question you might have in your life, Koober has it all.

Who can use Koober?

This application is perfect for people who thirst for knowledge but do not have the time to satiate this thirst. Twenty minutes a day is the time anybody can set aside for reading a new book and learning something new. Koober also enables you to make up your personal library and even share your favorite texts with your friends or other users of Koober. The good news is that you won’t miss anything in the summarization process. The learning experts who make these mini-books design them carefully, so they are not condensed with information. They do not miss too much of the book’s material.

Koober Premium Account
Koober Premium Account

Why buy a Koober premium account?

You can use Koober for free. The editors at Koober pick one book every day to be offered for free. However, with a Koober premium account, you’ll be able to make a choice. You can pick your favorite books from different categories. You can also choose to read the book or listen to it in the audio form. A Koober premium account, for €7.99 per month and €80 per year, give you a wealth of information that is virtually priceless.

Why buy from BitFinite.com?

A Koober premium account would cost much less if you decide to buy it from BitFinite.com. Just enter the Bitfinite.com and go to the Koober page. You will see that their prices are even less than what you have to pay on the original website. You will have to follow some rules carefully. Read the following Frequently Asked Questions on the bitfinite.com site to know more about these rules.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can we change the account’s password and username?


If the account you have is a cracked one, no. You cannot change the password. If you change the password or any other information in the account, the account owner can easily change it back.


Is there a guarantee that the owner of the account won’t be onto us?


Some accounts have a guarantee up to a specific time; however, some don’t. This fact is mentioned as you make your purchase. Generally, if you don’t change your password and don’t give your account information to anybody, you’d be ok. Because as mentioned, if you change the password, the owner will easily retrieve his/own password.


What are the auto-charge accounts?


Auto-charge accounts are obtained when the owner has entered his/her banking information, and the account is automatically renewed until the owner cancels it.


Does using these accounts bothers the owner in any way?


No. Bitfinite.com only sells accounts using which would never bother the owner in any way. The owner of the account would not come to any harm, neither personal nor financial.


Do you crack a specific software or website on demand?


No. Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment.


Is there a possibility of getting a discount?

No. since our prices are already so low; there is no possibility of getting a discount.





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